
Digital Signal Display/Control

The following two components provide a convenient GUI interface to monitor and control the state of 8 digital pins. With the "bitctrl" component, the user can either click on the buttons corresponding to individual bits, or can type a hexadecimal value for all 8 bits into an edit control. The output drive of each pin can also be individually turned on and off (i.e. tri-stated). Likewise, with the "bitdisp" component, the user can see the individual logic values on each pin as well as see a decoded hexadecimal value for all 8 bits. The components are licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1.



; To use these components, use either of the following component definitions:
; X _bitctrl <D7> <D6> <D5> <D4> <D3> <D2> <D1> <D0>
; X _bitdisp <D7> <D6> <D5> <D4> <D3> <D2> <D1> <D0>
; The bitctrl and bitdisp components will respectively control and display the logic
; values present at the <D7> through <D0> pins, with <D7> being the most significant
; bit.


XOUT _bitctrl PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0
XIN _bitdisp PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0


The screenshot below shows the VMLAB Control Panel with a running instance of the "bitctrl" and "bitdisp" components: