Tutorial 32: Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Tutorial 33: RichEdit Control: Basics Tutorial 34: RichEdit Control: More Text Operations

There are lots of request on tutorials about RichEdit controls. Finally I have played with it enough to think I can write tutorials about it. So here it is: the first RichEdit tutorial. The tutorials will describe nearly everything there is to know about RichEdit control or at least as much as I know it. The amount of information is rather large so I divide it into several parts, this tutorial being the first part. In this tutorial, you'll learn what a RichEdit control is, how to create it and how to load/save data to/from it.

Download the example.


A richedit control can be thought of as a souped-up edit control. It provides many desirable features that are lacking from the plain simple edit control, for example, the ability to use multiple font face/size, multiple-level undo/redo, search-for-text operation, OLE-embedded objects, drag-and-drop editing support, etc. Since the richedit control has so many features, it's stored in a separate DLL. This also means that, to use it, you can't just call InitCommonControls like other common controls. You have to call LoadLibrary to load the richedit DLL.

The problem is that there are three versions of richedit control up till now. Version 1,2, and 3. The table below shows you the name of the DLL for each version.

DLL Name RichEdit version Richedit Class Name
Riched32.dll 1.0 RICHEDIT
RichEd20.dll 2.0 RICHEDIT20A
RichEd20.dll 3.0 RICHEDIT20A

You can notice that richedit version 2 and 3 use the same DLL name. They also use the same class name! This can pose a problem if you want to use specific features of richedit 3.0. Up to now, I haven't found an official method of differentiating between version 2.0 and 3.0. However, there is a workaround which works ok, I'll show you later.

.data RichEditDLL db "RichEd20.dll",0 ..... .data? hRichEditDLL dd ? .code invoke LoadLibrary,ADDR RichEditDLL mov hRichEditDLL,eax ...... invoke FreeLibrary,hRichEditDLL

When the richedit dll is loaded, it registers the RichEdit window class. Thus it's imperative that you load the DLL before you create the control. The names of the richedit control classes are also different. Now you may have a question: how do I know which version of richedit control should I use ? Using the latest version is not always appropriate if you don't require the extra features. So below is the table that shows the features provided by each version of richedit control.

Feature Version 1.0 Version 2.0 Version 3.0
selection bar xxx
unicode editing xx
character/paragraph formatting xxx
search for text forward forward/backward forward/backward
OLE embedding xxx
Drag and drop editing xxx
Undo/Redo single-level multi-level multi-level
automatic URL recognition xx
Accelerator key support xx
Windowless operation xx
Line break CRLF CR only CR only (can emulate version 1.0)
Zoom x
Paragraph numbering x
simple table x
normal and heading styles x
underline coloring x
hidden text x
font binding x

The above table is by no means comprehensive: I only list the important features.

Creating the richedit control

After loading the richedit dll, you can call CreateWindowEx to create the control. You can use edit control styles and common window styles in CreateWindowEx except ES_LOWERCASE, ES_UPPERCASE and ES_OEMCONVERT.

.const RichEditID equ 300 .data RichEditDLL db "RichEd20.dll",0 RichEditClass db "RichEdit20A",0 ..... .data? hRichEditDLL dd ? hwndRichEdit dd ? .code ..... invoke LoadLibrary,ADDR RichEditDLL mov hRichEditDLL,eax invoke CreateWindowEx,0,ADDR RichEditClass, \ WS_VISIBLE or ES_MULTILINE \ or WS_CHILD or WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL, \ CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, \ CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, \ hWnd,RichEditID,hInstance,0 mov hwndRichEdit,eax

Setting default text and background color

You may have the problem with setting text color and the background color of the edit control. But this problem has been remedy in richedit control. To set the background color of the richedit control, you send EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR to the richedit control. This message has the following syntax.

wParam == color option. The value of 0 in this parameter specifies that Windows uses the color value in lParam as the background color. If this value is nonzero, Windows uses the Windows system background color. Since we send this message to change the background color, we must pass 0 in wParam.
lParam == specifies the COLORREF structure of the color you want to set if wParam is 0.

For example, if I want to set the background color to pure blue, I would issue this following line:

invoke SendMessage,hwndrichedit,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,0ff0000h

To set the text color, richedit control provides another new message, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, for the job. This message controls the text formatting of a range to characters in selection or all text in the control. This message has the following syntax:

wParam == formatting options:

SCF_ALL The operation affects all text in the control.
SCF_SELECTION The operation affects only the text in selection
SCF_WORD or SCF_SELECTION Affects the word in selection. If the selection is empy, ie, only the caret is in the word, the operation affects that word. SCF_WORD flag must be used with SCF_SELECTION.

lParam == pointer to a CHARFORMAT or CHARFORMAT2 structure that specifies the text formatting to be applied. CHARFORMAT2 is available for richedit 2.0 and above only. This doesn't mean that you must use CHARFORMAT2 with RichEdit 2.0 or above. You can still use CHARFORMAT if the added features in CHARFORMAT2 are not necessary for your need.

CHARFORMATA STRUCT cbSize DWORD ? dwMask DWORD ? dwEffects DWORD ? yHeight DWORD ? yOffset DWORD ? crTextColor COLORREF ? bCharSet BYTE ? bPitchAndFamily BYTE ? szFaceName BYTE LF_FACESIZE dup(?) _wPad2 WORD ? CHARFORMATA ENDS
field name Description
cbSize The size of the structure. RichEdit control uses this field to determine the version of the structure whether it is CHARFORMAT or CHARFORMAT2.

Bit flags that determine which of the following members are valid.

CFM_BOLD The CFE_BOLD value of the dwEffects member is valid.
CFM_CHARSET The bCharSet member is valid.
CFM_COLOR The crTextColor member and the CFE_AUTOCOLOR value of the dwEffects member are valid
CFM_FACE The szFaceName member is valid.
CFM_ITALIC The CFE_ITALIC value of the dwEffects member is valid
CFM_OFFSET The yOffset member is valid
CFM_PROTECTED The CFE_PROTECTED value of the dwEffects member is valid
CFM_SIZE The yHeight member is valid
CFM_STRIKEOUT The CFE_STRIKEOUT value of the dwEffects member is valid.
CFM_UNDERLINE The CFE_UNDERLINE value of the dwEffects member is valid

The character effects. Can be the combination of the following values

CFE_AUTOCOLOR Use the system text color
CFE_BOLD Characters are bold
CFE_ITALIC Characters are italic
CFE_STRIKEOUT Characters are struck.
CFE_UNDERLINE Characters are underlined
CFE_PROTECTED Characters are protected; an attempt to modify them will cause an EN_PROTECTED notification message.
yHeight Character height, in twips (1/1440 of an inch or 1/20 of a printer's point).
yOffset Character OFFSET, in twips, from the baseline. If the value of this member is positive, the character is a superscript; if it is negative, the character is a subscript.
crTextColor Text color. This member is ignored if the CFE_AUTOCOLOR character effect is specified.
bCharSet Character set value
bPitchAndFamily Font family and pitch.
szFaceName Null-terminated character array specifying the font name
_wPad2 Padding

From examination of the structure, you'll see that we can change the text effects (bold,italic, strikeout,underline), text color (crTextColor) and font face/size/character set. A notable flag is CFE_RPOTECTED. The text with this flag is marked as protected which means that when the user tries to modify it, EN_PROTECTED notification message will be sent to the parent window. And you can allow the change to happen or not.

CHARFORMAT2 adds more text styles such as font weight, spacing,text background color, kerning, etc. If you don't need these extra features, simply use CHARFORMAT.

To set text formatting, you have to think about the range of text you want to apply to. Richedit control introduces the notion of character text range. Richedit control gives each character a number starting from 0: the first characterin the control has Id of 0, the second character 1 and so on. To specify a text range, you must give the richedit control two numbers: the IDs of the first and the last character of the range. To apply the text formatting with EM_SETCHARFORMAT, you have at most three choices:

  1. Apply to all text in the control (SCF_ALL).
  2. Apply to the text currently in selection (SCF_SELECTION).
  3. Apply to the whole word currently in selection (SCF_ALL or SCF_SELECTION).

The first and the second choices are straightforward. The last choice requires a little explanation. If the current selection only covers one or more of the characters in the word but not the whole word, specifying the flag SCF_ALL+SCF_SELECTION applies the text formatting to the whole word. Even if there is no current selection, ie, only the caret is positioned in the word, the third choice also applies the text formatting to the whole word.

To use EM_SETCHARFORMAT, you need to fill several members of CHARFORMAT (or CHARFORMAT2) structure. For example, if we want to set the text color, we will fill the CHARFORMAT structure as follows:

.data? cf CHARFORMAT <> .... .code mov cf.cbSize,sizeof cf mov cf.dwMask,CFM_COLOR mov cf.crTextColor,0FF0000h invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_ALL,ADDR cf

The above code snippet sets the text color of the richedit control to pure blue. Note that if there is no text in the richedit control when EM_SETCHARFORMAT is issued, the text entered into the richedit control following the message will use the text formatting specified by the EM_SETCHARFORMAT message.

Setting the text/saving the text

For those of you who are used to edit control, you'll surely be familiar with WM_GETTEXT/WM_SETTEXT as the means to set the text/get the text to/from the control. This method still works with richedit control but may not be efficient if the file is large. Edit control limits the text that can be entered into it to 64K but richedit control can accept text much larger than that. It would be very cumbersome to allocate a very large block of memory (such as 10 MB or so) to receive the text from WM_GETTEXT. Richedit control offers a new approach to this method, ie. text streaming.

To put it simply, you provide the address of a callback function to the richedit control. And richedit control will call that callback, passing the address of the buffer to it, when it's ready. The callback will fill the buffer with the data it wants to send to the control or read the data from the buffer and then waits for the next call until the operation is finished. This paradigm is used for both streaming in (setting the text) and streaming out (getting the text out of the control). You'll see that this method is more efficient: the buffer is provided by the richedit control itself so the data are divided into chunks. The operations involve two messages: EM_STREAMIN and EM_STREAMOUT.

Both EM_STREAMIN and EM_STREAMOUT use the same syntax:

wParam == formatting options.

SF_RTF The data is in the rich-text format (RTF)
SF_TEXT The data is in the plain text format
SFF_PLAINRTF Only the keywords common to all languages are streamed in.
SFF_SELECTION If specified, the target of the operation is the text currently in selection. If you stream the text in, the text replaces the current selection. If you stream the text out, only the text currently in selection is streamed out. If this flag is not specified, the operation affects the whole text in the control.
SF_UNICODE (Available on RichEdit 2.0 or later) Specify the unicode text.

lParam == point to an EDITSTREAM structure which has the following definition:

dwCookie application-defined value that will be passed to the callback function speficied in pfnCallback member below. We normally pass some important value to the callback function such as the file handle to use in the stream-in/out procedure.
dwError Indicates the results of the stream-in (read) or stream-out (write) operation. A value of zero indicates no error. A nonzero value can be the return value of the EditStreamCallback function or a code indicating that the control encountered an error.
pfnCallback Pointer to an EditStreamCallback function, which is an application-defined function that the control calls to transfer data. The control calls the callback function repeatedly, transferring a portion of the data with each call

The editstream callback function has the following definition: EditStreamCallback PROTO dwCookie:DWORD,pBuffer:DWORD, NumBytes:DWORD,pBytesTransferred:DWORD

You have to create a function with the above prototype in your program. And then pass its address to EM_STREAMIN or EM_STREAMOUT via EDITSTREAM structure.

For stream-in operation (settting the text in the richedit control):

For stream-out operation (getting the text out of the richedit control):

The callback function returns 0 to indicate success and richedit control will continue calling the callback function if there is still data left to read/write. If some error occurs during the process and you want to stop the operation, returns a non-zero value and the richedit control will discard the data pointed to by pBuffer. The error/success value will be filled in the dwError field of EDITSTREAM so you can examine the error/success status of the stream operation after SendMessage returns.


The example below is a simple editor which you can open an asm source code file, edit and save it. It uses RichEdit control version 2.0 or above.

.386 .model FLAT,STDCALL OPTION casemap:none include \masm32\include\windows.inc include \masm32\include\user32.inc include \masm32\include\comdlg32.inc include \masm32\include\gdi32.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\comdlg32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib WinMain PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD .const IDR_MAINMENU equ 101 IDM_OPEN equ 40001 IDM_SAVE equ 40002 IDM_CLOSE equ 40003 IDM_SAVEAS equ 40004 IDM_EXIT equ 40005 IDM_COPY equ 40006 IDM_CUT equ 40007 IDM_PASTE equ 40008 IDM_DELETE equ 40009 IDM_SELECTALL equ 40010 IDM_OPTION equ 40011 IDM_UNDO equ 40012 IDM_REDO equ 40013 IDD_OPTIONDLG equ 101 IDC_BACKCOLORBOX equ 1000 IDC_TEXTCOLORBOX equ 1001 RichEditID equ 300 .data ClassName db "IczEditClass",0 AppName db "IczEdit version 1.0",0 RichEditDLL db "riched20.dll",0 RichEditClass db "RichEdit20A",0 NoRichEdit db "Cannot find riched20.dll",0 ASMFilterString db "ASM Source code (*.asm)",0,"*.asm",0 db "All Files (*.*)",0,"*.*",0,0 OpenFileFail db "Cannot open the file",0 WannaSave db "The data in the control is modified. Want to save it ?",0 FileOpened dd FALSE BackgroundColor dd 0FFFFFFh ; default to white TextColor dd 0 ; default to black .data? hInstance dd ? hRichEdit dd ? hwndRichEdit dd ? FileName db 256 dup(?) AlternateFileName db 256 dup(?) CustomColors dd 16 dup(?) .code start: invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL mov hInstance,eax invoke LoadLibrary,ADDR RichEditDLL .IF eax!=0 mov hRichEdit,eax invoke WinMain, hInstance,0,0, SW_SHOWDEFAULT invoke FreeLibrary,hRichEdit .ELSE invoke MessageBox,0,ADDR NoRichEdit,ADDR AppName, \ MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR .ENDIF invoke ExitProcess,eax WinMain PROC hInst:DWORD,hPrevInst:DWORD,CmdLine:DWORD,CmdShow:DWORD LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX LOCAL msg:MSG LOCAL hwnd:DWORD mov wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX mov wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc mov wc.cbClsExtra,NULL mov wc.cbWndExtra,NULL push hInst pop wc.hInstance mov wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_WINDOW+1 mov wc.lpszMenuName,IDR_MAINMENU mov wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION mov wc.hIcon,eax mov wc.hIconSm,eax invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW mov wc.hCursor,eax invoke RegisterClassEx, ADDR wc invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,ADDR ClassName,ADDR AppName, \ WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, \ CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, \ CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, \ NULL,NULL,hInst,NULL mov hwnd,eax invoke ShowWindow, hwnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd .WHILE TRUE invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,0,0,0 .BREAK .IF (!eax) invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg .ENDW mov eax,msg.wParam ret WinMain ENDP StreamInProc PROC hFile:DWORD,pBuffer:DWORD, NumBytes:DWORD, \ pBytesRead:DWORD invoke ReadFile,hFile,pBuffer,NumBytes,pBytesRead,0 xor eax,1 ret StreamInProc ENDP StreamOutProc PROC hFile:DWORD,pBuffer:DWORD, NumBytes:DWORD, \ pBytesWritten:DWORD invoke WriteFile,hFile,pBuffer,NumBytes,pBytesWritten,0 xor eax,1 ret StreamOutProc ENDP CheckModifyState PROC hWnd:DWORD invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0 .IF eax!=0 invoke MessageBox,hWnd,ADDR WannaSave,ADDR AppName,MB_YESNOCANCEL .IF eax==IDYES invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_SAVE,0 .ELSEIF eax==IDCANCEL mov eax,FALSE ret .ENDIF .ENDIF mov eax,TRUE ret CheckModifyState ENDP SetColor PROC LOCAL cfm:CHARFORMAT invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,BackgroundColor invoke RtlZeroMemory,ADDR cfm,sizeof cfm mov cfm.cbSize,sizeof cfm mov cfm.dwMask,CFM_COLOR push TextColor pop cfm.crTextColor invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_ALL,ADDR cfm ret SetColor ENDP OptionProc PROC hWnd:DWORD, uMsg:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD LOCAL clr:CHOOSECOLOR .IF uMsg==WM_INITDIALOG .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_COMMAND mov eax,wParam shr eax,16 .IF ax==BN_CLICKED mov eax,wParam .IF ax==IDCANCEL invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDC_BACKCOLORBOX invoke RtlZeroMemory,ADDR clr,sizeof clr mov clr.lStructSize,sizeof clr push hWnd pop clr.hwndOwner push hInstance pop clr.hInstance push BackgroundColor pop clr.rgbResult mov clr.lpCustColors,OFFSET CustomColors mov clr.Flags,CC_ANYCOLOR or CC_RGBINIT invoke ChooseColor,ADDR clr .IF eax!=0 push clr.rgbResult pop BackgroundColor invoke GetDlgItem,hWnd,IDC_BACKCOLORBOX invoke InvalidateRect,eax,0,TRUE .ENDIF .ELSEIF ax==IDC_TEXTCOLORBOX invoke RtlZeroMemory,ADDR clr,sizeof clr mov clr.lStructSize,sizeof clr push hWnd pop clr.hwndOwner push hInstance pop clr.hInstance push TextColor pop clr.rgbResult mov clr.lpCustColors,OFFSET CustomColors mov clr.Flags,CC_ANYCOLOR or CC_RGBINIT invoke ChooseColor,ADDR clr .IF eax!=0 push clr.rgbResult pop TextColor invoke GetDlgItem,hWnd,IDC_TEXTCOLORBOX invoke InvalidateRect,eax,0,TRUE .ENDIF .ELSEIF ax==IDOK ;======================================================================= ; Save the modify state of the richedit control because changing the ; text color changes the modify state of the richedit control. ;======================================================================= invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_GETMODIFY,0,0 push eax invoke SetColor pop eax invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,eax,0 invoke EndDialog,hWnd,0 .ENDIF .ENDIF .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC invoke GetDlgItem,hWnd,IDC_BACKCOLORBOX .IF eax==lParam invoke CreateSolidBrush,BackgroundColor ret .ELSE invoke GetDlgItem,hWnd,IDC_TEXTCOLORBOX .IF eax==lParam invoke CreateSolidBrush,TextColor ret .ENDIF .ENDIF mov eax,FALSE ret .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_CLOSE invoke EndDialog,hWnd,0 .ELSE mov eax,FALSE ret .ENDIF mov eax,TRUE ret OptionProc ENDP WndProc PROC hWnd:DWORD, uMsg:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD LOCAL chrg:CHARRANGE LOCAL ofn:OPENFILENAME LOCAL buffer[256]:BYTE LOCAL editstream:EDITSTREAM LOCAL hFile:DWORD .IF uMsg==WM_CREATE invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,ADDR RichEditClass,0, \ WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or ES_MULTILINE \ or WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL or ES_NOHIDESEL,\ CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, \ CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, \ hWnd,RichEditID,hInstance,0 mov hwndRichEdit,eax ;============================================================= ; Set the text limit. The default is 64K ;============================================================= invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_LIMITTEXT,-1,0 ;============================================================= ; Set the default text/background color ;============================================================= invoke SetColor invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,FALSE,0 invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER,0,0 .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_INITMENUPOPUP mov eax,lParam .IF ax==0 ; file menu .IF FileOpened==TRUE ; a file is already opened invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_OPEN,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CLOSE,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVE,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVEAS,MF_ENABLED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_OPEN,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CLOSE,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVE,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVEAS,MF_GRAYED .ENDIF .ELSEIF ax==1 ; edit menu ;========================================================== ; Check whether there is some text in the clipboard. ; If so, we enable the paste menuitem ;========================================================== invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_CANPASTE,CF_TEXT,0 .IF eax==0 ; no text in the clipboard invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_PASTE,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_PASTE,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF ;========================================================== ; check whether the undo queue is empty ;========================================================== invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_CANUNDO,0,0 .IF eax==0 invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_UNDO,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_UNDO,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF ;========================================================= ; check whether the redo queue is empty ;========================================================= invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_CANREDO,0,0 .IF eax==0 invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_REDO,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_REDO,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF ;========================================================= ; check whether there is a current selection in the ; richedit control. ; If there is, we enable the cut/copy/delete menuitem. ;========================================================= invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_EXGETSEL,0,ADDR chrg mov eax,chrg.cpMin .IF eax==chrg.cpMax ; no current selection invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_COPY,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CUT,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_DELETE,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_COPY,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CUT,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_DELETE,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF .ENDIF .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_COMMAND .IF lParam==0 ; menu commands mov eax,wParam .IF ax==IDM_OPEN invoke RtlZeroMemory,ADDR ofn,sizeof ofn mov ofn.lStructSize,sizeof ofn push hWnd pop ofn.hwndOwner push hInstance pop ofn.hInstance mov ofn.lpstrFilter,OFFSET ASMFilterString mov ofn.lpstrFile,OFFSET FileName mov byte ptr [FileName],0 mov ofn.nMaxFile,sizeof FileName mov ofn.Flags,OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or OFN_HIDEREADONLY \ or OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST invoke GetOpenFileName,ADDR ofn .IF eax!=0 invoke CreateFile,ADDR FileName,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ, \ NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0 .IF eax!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE mov hFile,eax ;========================================================= ; stream the text into the richedit control ;========================================================= mov editstream.dwCookie,eax mov editstream.pfnCallback,OFFSET StreamInProc invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_STREAMIN,SF_TEXT, \ ADDR editstream ;========================================================= ; Initialize the modify state to false ;========================================================= invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,FALSE,0 invoke CloseHandle,hFile mov FileOpened,TRUE .ELSE invoke MessageBox,hWnd,ADDR OpenFileFail,ADDR AppName, \ MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR .ENDIF .ENDIF .ELSEIF ax==IDM_CLOSE invoke CheckModifyState,hWnd .IF eax==TRUE invoke SetWindowText,hwndRichEdit,0 mov FileOpened,FALSE .ENDIF .ELSEIF ax==IDM_SAVE invoke CreateFile,ADDR FileName,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ, \ NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0 .IF eax!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE @@: mov hFile,eax ;========================================================= ; stream the text to the file ;========================================================= mov editstream.dwCookie,eax mov editstream.pfnCallback,OFFSET StreamOutProc invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_STREAMOUT,SF_TEXT, \ ADDR editstream ;========================================================= ; Initialize the modify state to false ;========================================================= invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,FALSE,0 invoke CloseHandle,hFile .ELSE invoke MessageBox,hWnd,ADDR OpenFileFail,ADDR AppName, \ MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR .ENDIF .ELSEIF ax==IDM_COPY invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,WM_COPY,0,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_CUT invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,WM_CUT,0,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_PASTE invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,WM_PASTE,0,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_DELETE invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,TRUE,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_SELECTALL mov chrg.cpMin,0 mov chrg.cpMax,-1 invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_EXSETSEL,0,ADDR chrg .ELSEIF ax==IDM_UNDO invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_UNDO,0,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_REDO invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_REDO,0,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_OPTION invoke DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_OPTIONDLG,hWnd, \ ADDR OptionProc,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_SAVEAS invoke RtlZeroMemory,ADDR ofn,sizeof ofn mov ofn.lStructSize,sizeof ofn push hWnd pop ofn.hwndOwner push hInstance pop ofn.hInstance mov ofn.lpstrFilter,OFFSET ASMFilterString mov ofn.lpstrFile,OFFSET AlternateFileName mov byte ptr [AlternateFileName],0 mov ofn.nMaxFile,sizeof AlternateFileName mov ofn.Flags,OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or OFN_HIDEREADONLY \ or OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST invoke GetSaveFileName,ADDR ofn .IF eax!=0 invoke CreateFile,ADDR AlternateFileName,GENERIC_WRITE, \ FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS, \ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0 .IF eax!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE jmp @B .ENDIF .ENDIF .ELSEIF ax==IDM_EXIT invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0 .ENDIF .ENDIF .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_CLOSE invoke CheckModifyState,hWnd .IF eax==TRUE invoke DestroyWindow,hWnd .ENDIF .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_SIZE mov eax,lParam mov edx,eax and eax,0FFFFh shr edx,16 invoke MoveWindow,hwndRichEdit,0,0,eax,edx,TRUE .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_DESTROY invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL .ELSE invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam ret .ENDIF xor eax,eax ret WndProc ENDP END start ;========================================================== ; The resource file ;========================================================== #include "resource.h" #define IDR_MAINMENU 101 #define IDD_OPTIONDLG 101 #define IDC_BACKCOLORBOX 1000 #define IDC_TEXTCOLORBOX 1001 #define IDM_OPEN 40001 #define IDM_SAVE 40002 #define IDM_CLOSE 40003 #define IDM_SAVEAS 40004 #define IDM_EXIT 40005 #define IDM_COPY 40006 #define IDM_CUT 40007 #define IDM_PASTE 40008 #define IDM_DELETE 40009 #define IDM_SELECTALL 40010 #define IDM_OPTION 40011 #define IDM_UNDO 40012 #define IDM_REDO 40013 IDR_MAINMENU MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", IDM_OPEN MENUITEM "&Close", IDM_CLOSE MENUITEM "&Save", IDM_SAVE MENUITEM "Save &As", IDM_SAVEAS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit", IDM_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Undo", IDM_UNDO MENUITEM "&Redo", IDM_REDO MENUITEM "&Copy", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "C&ut", IDM_CUT MENUITEM "&Paste", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Delete", IDM_DELETE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All", IDM_SELECTALL END MENUITEM "Options", IDM_OPTION END IDD_OPTIONDLG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 183, 54 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | DS_CENTER CAPTION "Options" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,137,7,39,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,137,25,39,14 GROUPBOX "",IDC_STATIC,5,0,124,49 LTEXT "Background Color:",IDC_STATIC,20,14,60,8 LTEXT "",IDC_BACKCOLORBOX,85,11,28,14,SS_NOTIFY | WS_BORDER LTEXT "Text Color:",IDC_STATIC,20,33,35,8 LTEXT "",IDC_TEXTCOLORBOX,85,29,28,14,SS_NOTIFY | WS_BORDER END


The program first loads the richedit dll, which in this case is riched20.dll. If the dll cannot be loaded, it exits to Windows.

invoke LoadLibrary,ADDR RichEditDLL .IF eax!=0 mov hRichEdit,eax invoke WinMain,hInstance,0,0, SW_SHOWDEFAULT invoke FreeLibrary,hRichEdit .ELSE invoke MessageBox,0,ADDR NoRichEdit,ADDR AppName, \ MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR .ENDIF invoke ExitProcess,eax

After the dll is loaded successfully, we proceed to create a normal window which will be the parent of the richedit control. Within the WM_CREATE handler, we create the richedit control:


Note that we specify ES_MULTILINE style else the control will be a single-lined one.

invoke SendMessage,hwndrichedit,EM_LIMITTEXT,-1,0

After the richedit control is created, we must set the new text limit on it. By default, the richedit control has 64K text limit, the same as a simple multi-line edit control. We must extend this limit to allow it to operate with larger files. In the above line, I specify -1 which amounts to 0FFFFFFFFh, a very large value.

invoke setcolor

Next, we set the text/background color. Since this operation can be performed in other part of the program, I put the code in a function named SetColor.

SetColor PROC LOCAL cfm:CHARFORMAT invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0, \ BackgroundColor

Setting the background color of the richedit control is a straightforward operation: just send EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR message to the richedit control. (If you use a multi-line edit control, you have to process WM_CTLCOLOREDIT). The default background color is white.

invoke RtlZeroMemory,ADDR cfm,sizeof cfm mov cfm.cbSize,sizeof cfm mov cfm.dwMask,CFM_COLOR push TextColor pop cfm.crTextColor

After the background color is set, we fill in the members of CHARFORMAT in order to set the text color. Note that we fill cbSize with the size of the structure so the richedit control knows we are sending it CHARFORMAT, not CHARFORMAT2. dwMask has only one flag, CFM_COLOR, because we only want to set the text color and crTextColor is filled with the value of the desired text color.

invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_ALL, \ ADDR cfm ret SetColor ENDP

After settting the color, you have to empty undo buffer simply because the act of changing text/background color is undo-able. We send EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER message to achieve this.

invoke SendMessage,hwndrichedit,EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER,0,0

After filling the CHARFORMAT structure, we send EM_SETCHARFORMAT to the richedit control, specifying SCF_ALL flag in wParam to indicate that we want the text formatting to be applied to all text in the control.

Note that when we first created the richedit control, we didn't specify its size/position at that time. That's because we want it to cover the whole client area of the parent window. We resize it whenever the size of the parent window changes.

.ELSEIF uMsg==WM_SIZE mov eax,lParam mov edx,eax and eax,0FFFFh shr edx,16 invoke MoveWindow,hwndRichEdit,0,0,eax,edx,TRUE

In the above code snippet, we use the new dimension of the client area passed in lParam to resize the richedit control with MoveWindow.

When the user clicks on the File/Edit menu bar, we process WM_INITMENUPOPUP so that we can prepare the states of the menuitems in the submenu before displaying it to the user. For example, if a file is already opened in the richedit control, we want to disable the open menuitem and enable all the remaining menuitems.

In the case of the File menu bar, we use the variable FileOpened as the flag to determine whether a file is already opened. If the value in this variable is TRUE, we know that a file is already opened.

.ELSEIF uMsg==WM_INITMENUPOPUP mov eax,lParam .IF ax==0 ; file menu .IF FileOpened==TRUE ; a file is already opened invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_OPEN,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CLOSE,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVE,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVEAS,MF_ENABLED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_OPEN,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CLOSE,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVE,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_SAVEAS,MF_GRAYED .ENDIF

As you can see, if a file is already opened, we gray out the open menuitem and enable the remaining menuitems. The reverse is true of FileOpened is false.

In the case of the edit menu bar, we need to check the state of the richedit control/clipboard first.

invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_CANPASTE,CF_TEXT,0 .IF eax==0 ; no text in the clipboard invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_PASTE,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_PASTE,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF

We first check whether some text is available in the clipboard by sending EM_CANPASTE message. If some text is available, SendMessage returns TRUE and we enable the paste menuitem. If not, we gray out the menuitem.

invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_CANUNDO,0,0 .IF eax==0 invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_UNDO,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_UNDO,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF

Next, we check whether the undo buffer is empty by sending EM_CANUNDO message. If it's not empty, SendMessage returns TRUE and we enable the undo menuitem.

invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_CANREDO,0,0 .IF eax==0 invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_REDO,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_REDO,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF

We check the redo buffer by sending EM_CANREDO message to the richedit control. If it's not empty, SendMessage returns TRUE and we enable the redo menuitem.

invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_EXGETSEL,0,ADDR chrg mov eax,chrg.cpMin .IF eax==chrg.cpMax ; no current selection invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_COPY,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CUT,MF_GRAYED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_DELETE,MF_GRAYED .ELSE invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_COPY,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_CUT,MF_ENABLED invoke EnableMenuItem,wParam,IDM_DELETE,MF_ENABLED .ENDIF

Lastly, we check whether a current selection exists by sending EM_EXGETSEL message. This message uses a CHARRANGE structure which is defined as follows:


cpMin contains the character position index immediately preceding the first character in the range.
cpMax contains the character position immediately following the last character in the range.

After EM_EXGETSEL returns, the CHARRANGE structure is filled with the starting-ending character position indices of the selection range. If there is no current selection, cpMin and cpMax are identical and we gray out the cut/copy/delete menuitems.

When the user clicks the Open menuitem, we display an open file dialog box and if the user selects a file, we open the file and stream its content to the richedit control.

invoke CreateFile,ADDR FileName,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ, \ NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0 .IF eax!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE mov hFile,eax mov editstream.dwCookie,eax mov editstream.pfnCallback,OFFSET StreamInProc invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_STREAMIN,SF_TEXT, \ ADDR editstream

After the file is successfully opened with CreateFile, we fill the EDITSTREAM structure in preparation for EM_STREAMIN message. We choose to send the handle to the opened file via dwCookie member and pass the address of the stream callback function in pfnCallback.

The stream callback procedure itself is the essence of simplicity.

StreamInProc PROC hFile:DWORD,pBuffer:DWORD, NumBytes:DWORD, \ pBytesRead:DWORD invoke ReadFile,hFile,pBuffer,NumBytes,pBytesRead,0 xor eax,1 ret StreamInProc ENDP

You can see that all parameters of the stream callback procedure fit perfectly with ReadFile. And the return value of ReadFile is xor-ed with 1 so that if it returns 1 (success), the actual value returned in eax is 0 and vice versa.

invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_SETMODIFY,FALSE,0 invoke CloseHandle,hFile mov FileOpened,TRUE

After EM_STREAMIN returns, it means the stream operation is completed. In reality, we must check the value of dwError member of the EDITSTREAM structure.

Richedit (and edit) control supports a flag to indicate whether its content is modified. We can obtain the value of this flag by sending EM_GETMODIFY message to the control. SendMessage returns TRUE if the content of the control was modified. Since we stream the text into the control, it's a kind of a modification. We must set the modify flag to FALSE by sending EM_SETMODIFY with wParam==FALSE to the control to start a new after the stream-in opertion is finished. We immediately close the file and set FileOpened to TRUE to indicate that a file was opened.

When the user clicks on save/saveas menuitem, we use EM_STREAMOUT message to output the content of the richedit control to a file. As with the streamin callback function, the stream-out callback function is simplicity in itself. It fits perfectly with WriteFile.

The text operations such as cut/copy/paste/redo/undo are easily implemented by sending single message to the richedit control, WM_CUT / WM_COPY / WM_PASTE / WM_REDO / WM_UNDO respectively.

The delete/select all operations are done as follows:

.ELSEIF ax==IDM_DELETE invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,TRUE,0 .ELSEIF ax==IDM_SELECTALL mov chrg.cpMin,0 mov chrg.cpMax,-1 invoke SendMessage,hwndRichEdit,EM_EXSETSEL,0,ADDR chrg

The delete operation affects the currently selection. I send EM_REPLACESEL message with NULL string so the richedit control will replace the currently selected text with the null string.

The select-all operation is done by sending EM_EXSETSEL message, specifying cpMin==0 and cpMax==-1 which amounts to selecting all the text.

When the user selects Option menu bar, we display a dialog box presenting the current background/text colors.

When the user clicks on one of the color boxes, it displays the choose-color dialog box. The "color box" is in fact a static control with SS_NOTIFY and WS_BORDER flag. A static control with SS_NOTIFY flag will notify its parent window with mouse actions on it, such as BN_CLICKED (STN_CLICKED). That's the trick.

.ELSEIF ax==IDC_BACKCOLORBOX invoke RtlZeroMemory,ADDR clr,sizeof clr mov clr.lStructSize,sizeof clr push hWnd pop clr.hwndOwner push hInstance pop clr.hInstance push BackgroundColor pop clr.rgbResult mov clr.lpCustColors,OFFSET CustomColors mov clr.Flags,CC_ANYCOLOR or CC_RGBINIT invoke ChooseColor,ADDR clr .IF eax!=0 push clr.rgbResult pop BackgroundColor invoke GetDlgItem,hWnd,IDC_BACKCOLORBOX invoke InvalidateRect,eax,0,TRUE .ENDIF

When the user clicks on one of the color box, we fill the members of the CHOOSECOLOR structure and call CHOOSECOLOR to display the choose-color dialog box. If the user selects a color, the colorref value is returned in rgbResult member and we store that value in BackgroundColor variable. After that, we force a repaint on the color box by calling InvalidateRect on the handle to the color box. The color box sends WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message to its parent window.

invoke GetDlgItem,hWnd,IDC_BACKCOLORBOX .IF eax==lParam invoke CreateSolidBrush,BackgroundColor ret

Within the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC handler, we compare the handle of the static control passed in lParam to that of both the color boxes. If the values match, we create a new brush using the color in the variable and immediately return. The static control will use the newly created brush to paint its background.

Tutorial 32: Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Overview Tutorial 34: RichEdit Control: More Text Operations
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