Tutorial 29: Win32 Debug API part 2 Tutorial 30: Win32 Debug API part 3 Tutorial 31: ListView Control

In this tutorial, we continue the exploration of win32 debug api. Specifically, we will learn how to trace the debuggee.

Download the example.


If you have used a debugger before, you would be familiar with tracing. When you "trace" a program, the program stops after executing each instruction, giving you the chance to examine the values of registers/memory. Single-stepping is the official name of tracing.
The single-step feature is provided by the CPU itself. The 8th bit of the flag register is called trap flag. If this flag(bit) is set, the CPU executes in single-step mode. The CPU will generate a debug exception after each instruction. After the debug exception is generated, the trap flag is cleared automatically.
We can also single-step the debuggee, using win32 debug api. The steps are as follows:

  1. Call getthreadcontext, specifying context_control in ContextFlags, to obtain the value of the flag register.
  2. Set the trap bit in regflag member of the context structure
  3. call setthreadcontext
  4. Wait for the debug events as usual. The debuggee will execute in single-step mode. After it executes each instruction, we will get exception_debug_event with exception_single_step value in u.exception.pexceptionrecord.exceptioncode
  5. If you need to trace the next instruction, you need to set the trap bit again.


.386 .model FLAT,STDCALL OPTION casemap:none include \masm32\include\windows.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc include \masm32\include\comdlg32.inc include \masm32\include\user32.inc includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\comdlg32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib .data AppName db "Win32 Debug Example no.4",0 ofn OPENFILENAME <;> FilterString db "Executable Files",0,"*.exe",0 db "All Files",0,"*.*",0,0 ExitProc db "The debuggee exits",0Dh,0Ah db "Total Instructions executed: %lu",0 TotalInstruction dd 0 .data? buffer db 512 dup(?) startinfo STARTUPINFO <;> pi PROCESS_INFORMATION <;> DBEvent DEBUG_EVENT <;> context CONTEXT <;> .code start: mov ofn.lStructSize,SIZEOF ofn mov ofn.lpstrFilter, OFFSET FilterString mov ofn.lpstrFile, OFFSET buffer mov ofn.nMaxFile,512 mov ofn.Flags, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST \ or OFN_LONGNAMES or OFN_EXPLORER \ or OFN_HIDEREADONLY invoke GetOpenFileName, ADDR ofn .IF eax==TRUE invoke GetStartupInfo,ADDR startinfo invoke CreateProcess, ADDR buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, DEBUG_PROCESS+ DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS, NULL, NULL, ADDR startinfo, ADDR pi .WHILE TRUE invoke WaitForDebugEvent, ADDR DBEvent,INFINITE .IF DBEvent.dwDebugEventCode==EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT invoke wsprintf, ADDR buffer, ADDR ExitProc, TotalInstruction invoke MessageBox, 0, ADDR buffer, ADDR AppName, \ MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION .BREAK .ELSEIF DBEvent.dwDebugEventCode==EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT .IF DBEvent.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT mov context.ContextFlags, CONTEXT_CONTROL invoke GetThreadContext, pi.hThread, ADDR context or context.regFlag,100h invoke SetThreadContext,pi.hThread, ADDR context invoke ContinueDebugEvent, DBEvent.dwProcessId, \ DBEvent.dwThreadId, \ DBG_CONTINUE .CONTINUE .ELSEIF DBEvent.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP inc TotalInstruction invoke GetThreadContext,pi.hThread,ADDR context or context.regFlag,100h invoke SetThreadContext,pi.hThread,ADDR context invoke ContinueDebugEvent, DBEvent.dwProcessId, \ DBEvent.dwThreadId, \ DBG_CONTINUE .CONTINUE .ENDIF .ENDIF invoke ContinueDebugEvent, DBEvent.dwProcessId, \ DBEvent.dwThreadId, \ DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED .ENDW .ENDIF invoke CloseHandle,pi.hProcess invoke CloseHandle,pi.hThread invoke ExitProcess, 0 END start


The program shows the openfile dialog box. When the user chooses an executable file, it executes the program in single-step mode, couting the number of instructions executed until the debuggee exits.

.ELSEIF DBEvent.dwDebugEventCode==EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT .IF DBEvent.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT

We take this opportunity to set the debuggee into single-step mode. Remember that Windows sends an EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT just before it executes the first instruction of the debuggee.

mov context.ContextFlags, CONTEXT_CONTROL invoke GetThreadContext, pi.hThread, ADDR context

We call getthreadcontext to fill the context structure with the current values in the registers of the debuggee. More specifically, we need the current value of the flag register.

or context.regFlag,100h

We set the trap bit (8th bit) in the flag register image.

invoke SetThreadContext,pi.hThread, ADDR context invoke ContinueDebugEvent, DBEvent.dwProcessId, \ DBEvent.dwThreadId, DBG_CONTINUE .CONTINUE

Then we call setthreadcontext to overwrite the values in the context structure with the new one(s) and call continuedebugevent with dbg_continue flag to resume the debuggee.

.ELSEIF DBEvent.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP inc TotalInstruction

When an instruction is executed in the debuggee, we receive an exception_debug_event. We must examine the value of u.exception.pexceptionrecord.exceptioncode. If the value is exception_single_step, then this debug event is generated because of the single-step mode. In this case, we can increment the variable totalinstruction by one because we know that exactly one instruction was executed in the debuggee.

invoke GetThreadContext,pi.hThread,ADDR context or context.regFlag,100h invoke SetThreadContext,pi.hThread, ADDR context invoke ContinueDebugEvent, DBEvent.dwProcessId, \ DBEvent.dwThreadId,DBG_CONTINUE .CONTINUE

Since the trap flag is cleared after the debug exception is generated, we must set the trap flag again if we want to continue in single-step mode.
Warning: Don't use the example in this tutorial with a large program: tracing is SLOW. You may have to wait for ten minutes before you can close the debuggee.

Tutorial 29: Win32 Debug API part 2 Overview Tutorial 31: ListView Control
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